January 5th, 2017 – Common Thread Group Meeting

The Common Thread Group was started approximately 14 years ago in January with the idea of discovering who we are and why are we here.  We’ve shared books that we’ve read, discussed what we have learned, discovered what we are not, and have begun the long process of learning what we set out to learn, and we’ve done this together!  Because of this, we are better prepared for the world or the universe that we decided to incarnate into at this time.

For our first meeting of this tumultuous year ahead, it seems appropriate to go back and readdress the above.  In order to accomplish this, I feel it is important to once again share.

Anyone and everyone who is interested in “sharing” is invited to speak or ask a question of the group.  I believe we can all learn from each other in this way.


  • How did you become a part of this group?

  • What is the best book you have ever read that would be of interest to this group?

  • Where do you look for information or help when you need it?

  • What is your purpose on this planet?

  • Anything spiritual on your mind or what you are working through.

In order for everyone to have a chance that would like a chance to speak or ask a question, we ask that you take no more than five minutes each.  I will have a timer that will end the time after five minutes whether it is an answer to a question or whether it is something you care to share.  Thank you for your understanding on this.

I have no idea if this plan will work, but we can always modify it if we need to.

We are always excited to see people who have never or have seldom attended one of our meetings!  Please know that you are ALWAYS WELCOME!

The Common Thread meetings are on the first Thursday of every month starting at 7pm at Plymouth Church on the corner of 42nd and Ingersoll in the Waveland Hall.

About Common Thread

A free grass roots organization of people interested in the New Spirituality.
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